La propoli
What is propolis?
Propolis is a substance that bees produce to protect the hive, mixing the resin collected from buds and tree barks with their digestive secretions, wax, and pollen.

This wonderful compound is produced by bees between August and October in preparation for winter to seal and protect the hive from disease and infection, thanks to its high antimicrobial action.
The action of propolis ensures that hives are among the most sterile environments in nature!
The color of propolis can take on different shades, ranging from yellow to red to brown. These different colors are due to the various plants of origin, from which the smell may also depend.

Propolis is beneficial for bees and also for the man who has used it for centuries as a natural antibiotic, to counteract diseases, heal infections,  mycosis, and burns and strengthen the immune system.
La frazione volatile della propoli
La frazione volatile della propoli è composta dai principi attivi rilasciati dalla propoli quando viene sottoposta a riscaldamento. In natura si sprigiona quando le miscele resinose sulle gemme e sulle cortecce delle piante vengono scaldate e sublimate dai raggi del sole, soprattutto dopo un temporale estivo.
Grazie ai diffusori di propoli PROPOLAIR si può ricreare quell’aria di bosco tanto salutare, in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi ambiente. Questo innovativo sistema permette il rilascio completo e selettivo di tutte le sostanze volatili che hanno un’azione benefica e probiotica.
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